E-Learning Games

I love working on educational games, they have great potential as a teaching tool. Legends of Learning has published my educational games, some are still available on their website.

I am proud to be one of the few selected by Legends of Learning to create a game for them about the Angry Birds franchise in collaboration with Rovio.

Soon my educational games will also be available on Steam in a collection called Marcos' Cyber ​​Learning Arcade, at first four of them will be available and I will continue adding new ones in future updates, except for Angry Birds - Kinetic Power which is exclusive to Legends of Learning.

Angry Birds - Kinetic Power

Learn about Kinetic Energy with this Angry Birds Game

Chemibot Helps the City

A small adventure learning about Chemical Reactions

Cell Works

Learn about the cell and its organells

Gaia and the Weather Powers

Learn about the water cycle and the weather patterns

Itchy Earth

A game about the Plate Tectonics

Super Pizza Delivery

Learn about fraction decomposition delivering some pizzas

Lovely Planet

A game about biogeology